Saturday, May 21, 2011

6 Easy Steps to Remove Your Old Car Seat

A particular car seat used to transport your kids in your car is very important to keep your children in safety condition while you are in driving. When your kid’s car seat is no more proper to use caused by any reasons, it's necessary you to remove your old car seat to avoid your kids injured. Consider below tips to remove your old car seat.

How to Dispose of a Car Seat:
  1. Use scissors to cut all the straps or belts are in place. When you do this, you should be able to pull the straps or belts from his seat. Once you've done, cut into small pieces. These can be placed in your normal garbage every day.
  2. Screw caps or shields can be found on the car seat. It will simply be discarded car seat for an easier process.
  3. Remove all the substance of the car seat. You must be able to just pull the fabric on the seat. If it is not, however, you can use a knife of scissors to do this. Once you've removed the fabric, cut fabric in a few. You can also throw these pieces away in a trash bag standard.
  4. Cleave to a chair with a hammer. You can actually be fun, or do some 'of frustration when you do this. Point away from the hammer to break the chair is to ensure that it can no longer be used. If you wish, you can use a bat (although this is not necessary because the standard hammer will do the trick).
  5. Put all the plastic parts in a black trash bag.
  6. Bear right away when the truck arrives at your house or apartment, if possible. This will ensure that no "container" to get to your old car seat.